
Directus Extensions

Directus extensions is a community driven website designed to give quick access to 3rd party Directus extensions. It is not affiliated with Directus or Monospace Inc - just love what they do!

Currently, Directus Extensions includes all Directus Extensions available on npm that adhere to the directus-extension naming strategy. I hope to add more soon including:

  • Themes. Custom themes to style Directus Studio and all associated elements.
  • Boilerplates. Starting points for developing Directus projects from scratch with your favourite tech stack or defaults.
  • Flows. Example flows that can be used to automate Directus actions in your project.
  • OSs. Complete Directus solutions for specific industries and use cases, such as Agency OS.
  • Collections. Pre configured Collection data models that can be imported into your Directus application.

This is an early first release of Directus extensions and I hope to include regular updates to make the tool more useful in the future.